1 Board of Forestry Moves to Weaken Minimum Fire Safe Regulations

BACH and its members partner with State Alliance for Firesafe Road Regulations (SAFRR) and other environmental and community organizations to oppose the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection’s (BOF) weakening of minimum roadway standards for safe concurrent ingress for firefighters and egress for our communities to evacuate our hillside areas efficiently during a wildfire. The BOF is moving forward without any road capacity or evacuation analysis or the appropriate level of environmental review as required by the California Environmental Quality Act.
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To support our efforts, please DONATE through our 501(c)(3) non-profit partner and note BOF Legal Fund in the PayPal Memo.

2 LA Director of Planning Weakens Protections in the Mulholland Corridor

BACH and its members partner with Federation of Hillside and Canyon Associations to oppose the Los Angeles Director of Planning’s unilateral decision to remove review of Outer Corridor projects by the Mulholland Design Review Board, a 30-year procedure approved through a legislative act of the City Council to protect natural and aesthetic resources within the Mulholland Scenic Parkway Specific Plan area. The Federation received broad support from its 45 member organizations to contribute to a legal fund and filed a lawsuit against the City on Friday, June 25, 2021.
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To support our efforts, please DONATE through our 501(c)(3) non-profit partner Hillside Federation at and note Mulholland Legal Fund.

3  Mount St. Mary’s Proposes Expansion Project that Increases Fire Danger

Mount St. Mary’s University is moving forward with its expansion plans to build a 35,500 square foot Wellness Center with increased events and no enrollment cap at the top of our fire-prone hillsides in the middle of a climate crisis, prolonged drought, unprecedented year-round wildfires, and against the advice of experts who warn not to continue to build in very high fire hazard severity zones because 95% of fires in CA are caused by human ignition sources. MSM’s project will take an estimated two years to build. Local fire officials say they respond to hundreds and thousands of construction fires per year.
Community members are very concerned about this expansion project and are coordinating to hire fire, evacuation, traffic, planning and legal experts to respond to the inadequately drafted Final Environmental Impact Report. The City Planning Public Hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, July 14, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
Join us – Take Action!
To support our efforts, please DONATE through our 501(c)(3) non-profit partner and note MSM Legal & Expert Fund in the PayPal Memo.

4ALERTWildfire Adds Fire-Spotting Cameras To Brentwood’s Fire-Prone Hillsides

BACH and its members partner with ALERTWildfire to identify and help secure locations to install a series of fire-spotting cameras. These state-of-the-art, Pan-Tilt-Zoom fire cameras help quickly identify and monitor fire outbreaks and allow fire safety personnel to more efficiently distribute available resources. In our area cameras have been installed at San Vicente Peak (camera 1 and camera 2), Canyonback Trail (camera 1 and camera 2), Westridge Trail (camera 1 and camera 2), and Mountaingate (camera 1 and camera 2). We are currently working with Dr. Neal Driscoll, co-founder of ALERTWildfire to identify additional locations in our hillsides to continue to build out the network.

For more information about BACH’s ACTIONS or how you can help, please contact us through the “Stay Connected” button.